just had beehoon and a piece of fish. regret eating. my stomach is acting up again! stomach pain. i swear not to eat anymore for the rest of the day. i
fucking swear. stupid stomach ache. oh yea ive gotta be in school by like 1230pm. thats when the mother tongues paper end. so yeah reaching bout 1230 - 1245 would be good. heh gonna go there to finish up my woursework by this week, hopefully. i still have not do up my colour scheme. fuck, i wouldnt bother much or less. wahhaaa to enter shatec i would just need at least 3 o level passes, credit pass in english. thats like easy! haha ill still work on the other subs to make sure all passes so my chances would be higher? but its on like first come first serve basis. lol imma run there once i get my results to sign up for it.
i fucking had a terrible dream. a girl in love wit dave, some affair hes having. she came to me, and she slit me all over. so ive like so much fucking small cuts on my hands and all. wow thats like so fucking crazy. i mean, its really so goddamn painful. i cant imagine if it happens in real life. and yea so she went on stabbing dave too and he got hospitalised. i went to visit him and all. haha what kind of a dream right? i wonder whats the dream trying to tell me. that daves got an affair out there? or to cherish him? :) alright, thats all for now. i dont believe in dreams. tho sometimes it might relate to real life. i just think its coincidental. l8rs.