well, i had a long day in school. had my english prelim oral. went quite smoothly. till like 5. then stayed for another half an hour to support soccer. our class vs dont know what class also. support halfway then left for toapayoh central. davin asked me to go there wit them to sell his 3310. made me waited for like 30mins before he and saleh reached. what the. haha its a tiring day. yea really. and i reached home like uhh 715? yea kinda late. but well what to do. at least i passed this day well. i did my revision at the interchange while waiting for them. tsk, take so long to come. geez. the paper cranes are accumulating in my drawer. sighs, obviously, i do miss him yea. theresa talked to me today. bout maturity. bout relationship. tsk, ive already learnt from my mistake.
prince enkil, sigh. just wanna tell you, i seriously miss you so much. hope you get that message thru my sms. i dont dare to sms him so much as well. dont wanna bother him much. hmm. alright, guess i gotta get my revision for today done! off comp for now
-missing dave badly-